Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins


Friday Fill-Ins #76

1. Going to Paris, France is high up on my bucket list.
2. My favorite quote is "My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!" ; it's from Practical Magic.
3. I can't remember what inspired me to start blogging.
4. Strawberries are best fresh from the plant and maybe dipped in chocolate.
5. San Francisco was being destroyed in a flood in the last dream I remember having. I have always had weird dreams like that.
6. The most enjoyable time to go for a walk is whenever I can get around to it.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to the peace and quiet when the boys have fallen asleep, tomorrow my plans include going to the Streets of Tanasborne for World Wide Knit in Public day and hopefully finish the socks for The Chief and Sunday, I want to spend time with the boys and The Chief!

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