Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Sky and more...

Tigard, Oregon

While the Blue Angels were flying overhead here in Hillsboro, I was at a meeting with the charter Oregon chapter for the Crochet Guild of America. The group is called "Always in Stitches" and meets once a month at the Joann's in Tigard. Yes, I crochet. And I have no problem saying that. I have been crocheting since I was in high school. I have only been knitting for the past few years. I also sew and hope one day to have time to work on spinning with my drop spindle. Anyway, I was very good and only came back with two small balls of Bernat Organic Natural Cotton - in Oasis and Desert Bloom. I did get two fat quarters to sew a small project bag. I'll take a picture when I finish the bag.

1 comment:

Kathy R said...

Hi Angela, Central '88!

This is KathyR, South class of '84! Thanks for updating so I now know more about you. I am a Pueblo native, a graduate of Colorado School of Mines, and a Houston resident since then. But like you, Pueblo is still home. I was last there in May visiting my mom. I love all the unique things there. I always visit Passkey and get a pizza from Iannes. To me it is just so relaxing to go home.


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  Greetings from Mooresville, North Carolina!  We have lived here for about 4 months now and I am  still giddy over the fact that I am fina...